Forest Walks Disclaimer
The safety and well being of your dog and those around them (both human and other dogs and animals) is my top priority at all times.
For this reason I am not able to invite highly reactive dogs, dogs with dangerous behavior issues, dog that cannot safely be around horses and livestock
Un-neutered dogs will be unable to join our group Forest Walks.
Prior to any service commencing, I will meet you and your animal, at your home to introduce myself and discuss a tailored service to meet your requirements.
Your dogs happiness is at the top of my list and I want nothing more than them to enjoy their walks with me.
A 'trial run' will be in effect during the first week of any dog walking service. This is to see whether Forest Walks is the right service for your dog, that they are happy, they are enjoying themselves and they are going to get the maximum benefit from walking with me. Feedback will be given as the week goes on.
I reserve the right to discontinue a walk, any walking service or pet sitting service if there is at any time a danger or risk put to myself, other dogs, animals or humans either directly caused by your dog's behavior or an event or situation that might in danger or be a risk to your dog.
At Forest walks we do not shy away from a heavy downpour, a constant drizzle, a temperamental breeze or frosty temperatures.
However, there may be times where mother nature takes the lead, where dangerous and unsafe weather conditions pose a threat or a risk to our usual walks or visits.
When this occurs, each situation will be individually assessed.